Sunday 10 February 2019

Then Along Came Fred: PVT 207L

It doesn't matter too much in the digital age but once upon a time when we used expensive film it was very annoying when people walked out when one was taking photos. However I feel many an old bus photo  which also has unwanted glimpses of cars, vans, or even young women many years later become it's point of interest especially if it turned out to be Lord Lucan. I will let you know in a few years time if this geezer in Stone improves this view of former Bristol RELL 207 a recent addition to the PMT based  POPS bus collection, but there is a certain humour as he was obviously jut as surprised to see me as I him. Of course I had time to take another one but to be honest this intrusion made little difference to an average shot.


  1. I do agree about unwanted intrusion into the shot, especially when the crew (remember them, a driver and a conductor) would insist on posing sprawled against the bonnet of their bus. In this instance with time to take a second shot I would have shortened the range to include less of the bus and more of the young lady in the blue jeans. Not at all PC I believe nowadays.

  2. Thanks for you comment Malcolm, and if you have looked at my buses and girls I am hardly a PC person in that respect. I take my photos in such a way that I can still edit the finished iteam to zoom in on those tight jeans but I prefer to offer it as more interesting view of the bus.
