Sunday 26 May 2019

National Travel (SE) Travelscene Bova SMY 624X

Sometimes we accidentally take photographs which have enough added interest to become talking pieces. Although I say it myself this view of coaches in Elizabeth Street after exiting Victoria Coach Station is a bit of a gem. It seems rather appropriate that the National Travel (SE) Bova should be heading home to Holland, a lovely sleek coach the clumsy application of NBC's striped-blind scheme only spoiling the subtle clean effect. But what I love in this photo is the classic Seventies Ford Granada always ready in every crime drama episode to give chase but the Sweeney's expressionless leather gloved trained police driver with mouthing off Carter and Reagan on board always ended up crashing through an advertisement hoarding before doing a complete spin to stop it crashing down a cellar on a demolition site as the bad guys with the shooters got away in their old red Jag. My alter-ego is Jojo and even though the big brash probably metallic gold Ford was a bird-puller I think instead I can see Jojo trying to still look cool clutching onto the deep leather seats in the back as the XJ screeched around corners hub-caps coming off and me wondering which to do first, pee myself or be sick hanging on for dear life! Anyway the local floozies can't all be adrenaline hungry gangsters molls and I think this Essex Man stayed in the inside-lane and liked to cruise looking for pub car parks and quiet lay-bys to ply the ladies with Babycham. I call him Essex Man not out of disrespect but WOO of course was an Essex registration number, and no doubt had he the gall to try to pick up a classy lady like Jojo then she would have told him to go back to school as 69 was the year he was born lol.


  1. Got to be fair to NBC on this one, the stripes on the Bova aren't their fault; that was the Travelscene livery at the time. Red and black, if my memory is right...
