Wednesday 26 June 2019

H For Stafford County Hospital: Arriva Volvo 3911 FJ58 HYU

Still on the 825 but not common like the VDL's, a Wright bodied Volvo does the Stafford to County Hospital shuttle. As the last leg of the longish 825 it was a terrible service some days with buses running late or not turning up at all. But workings on the old Town Service 8 from Burton Manor to Parkside have been split so that it does the first part as a new No.7 and then a hospital run before doing what is left of it to the old 8 to the north end of town. I have to say it is a very reliable service albeit only going outwards from the one stop in town at South Wales which could be quite a distance from the Market Square or Sainsburys on crutches.

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