Wednesday 31 July 2019

Former Samuel Ledgard AEC Regent 1953U and Daimler SDU711

In recent times closures and sell-outs of even legendary Independents like Fishwick and Pennine hardly raised the eyebrows of despondent enthusiasts. But back in the Sixties it was a different matter and many of you still mourn the passing of Moore's of Kelvedon, Silver Star of Porton Down and of course Samuel Ledgard of Otley. A small bonus was that it often brought in unfamiliar buses which broke the monotony of BTC Bristol ECW fleets like West Yorkshire, but  despite it's size only a handful were taken in including some Roe bodied AEC Regents and a Willowbrook bodied CVG6 which had been a Daimler demonstrator SDU 711.. 

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