Monday 15 July 2019

London Central Leyland Titan at Trafalgar Square A929 SYE

It's so much easier these days with a digital camera as one doesn't have to worry about wasted shots but in the days when I used film it was a bit of a challenge going to somewhere like London where the possibilities of photography are endless but at the same time a lot more limited than one might expect. One of the biggest problems is often by the time one spotted something they liked it had gone. In the end I think I just wandered around and tried to record what I could and action shots like this Leyland Titan T929 might not be perfect but it certainly catches some of that rushing and summer heat as the traffic-lights change.


  1. You got quite a rarity there, one of the few London Titans trialed with electronic route number and destination displays.

  2. Thanks, a double-bonus shot and I didn't even know.
