Friday 6 September 2019

South Notts Leyland Titan RRR912 dumped at Gotham

The South Notts garage at Gotham was definitely worth a visit for as well as recent stock there were a few withdrawn buses slowly decaying in the yard too including this 1954 Weymann bodied Leyland PD2/20. The bus alongside was similar but being four years newer had a little longer to go yet. Gotham always makes one think of Batman of course but I think the locals call it 'Goatham'. So none of his enemies were out and about except perhaps 'horsefly man' as I got one of those stings that you don't even notice till it goes red and swells. When I got home I had to get it treated in A&E as my hand had swollen up like a Michelin Man. Obviously they don't like people taking photos lol.

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