Thursday 21 November 2019

And I thought I was the Anorak: First Manchester SN12 AJX in Bolton

I have days out on the buses and my friends have preserved bus trips but to confess I am not so interested in buses these days that I would go out for the day just to see them or photograph them. However I am glad that when I go somewhere I haven't been to recently I make an effort and take some good well thought out shots. When I do it I like to think I am just having a walk or just killing time but once the ones I have taken are in my collection I start to value them. I tend to think of 'the present ' as a moment of time more than a none-event and it deserves to be recorded. Indeed even this First Manchester Envoro double-decker deserved to be recorded as a couple of weeks later the local First Bus Bolton fleet would pass to Diamond and it would never be the same.

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