Thursday 16 April 2020

Plymouth CityBus Atlantean TTT 164X and Dennis Dart L112 YOD

Plymouth Citybus more or less stayed with a red based livery but never seemed satisfield with the right scheme, I can see the thinking for either there was too much black or should it tempered down with some grey etc.. I must admit I prefered it when during the AN68 Atlantean Era when they returned to the more tradition red and cream scheme with black wheels and typeface in gold. Unlike the Atlantean and buses like the Western National Bristol VR also very much a feature here I doubt many of us will really miss the little Dennis Dart but do feel a bit of affection for that ubiquitous workhorse. I think perhaps I warm to it as new buses usually replaced more exciting types but many of these replaced the minibus which I think we all despised so for once they gave us a plus..

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