Saturday 25 April 2020

Swindon & District Leyland Titan GNF 11V

In the Nineties it seemed everywhere one went there was something of interest like this Swindon and District Leyland Titan which had been one of a trial batch for Greater Manchester PTE.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen that style of the S&D fleetname or livery before. I guess it must have been in the period when I lost interest in the bus industry, around the time First and Stagecoach were swallowing up companies left, right and centre.

    With hindsight I wish I'd kept up with happenings, but with hindsight I wish I'd done a lot of things differently!

  2. Well this period after Deregulation was a lot better than the Seventies as along with the good and the bad there was so much going on, it was just the 'end game' in a way the end of the road. But today things are changing to some extent as Arriva and First become less of a presence and smaller companies like Diamond come to the fore.
