Tuesday 5 May 2020

Going to Imperial Avenue Leicester City Transport Park-Royal bodied Leyland PD3 GRY 61D

The MCW Orion was always treated with derision by enthusiasts who said it was ugly. I must admit I didn't mind them as there were plenty in the Midlands and Manchester area and as I was familiar with them they looked normal. But whereas the genuine product was a bit like a 'jelly-mould' fit those which copied the design produced far more ungainly buses. Here is a good example in Leicester of a Park-Royal Leyland PD3 which was far more top-heavy and less rounded than an MCW. However despite that it added not just a bit of variety but also added a bit a bit of character. Of course all the smartly kept Leicester PD3 looks great but the most attractive had to be the superb looking East-Lancs bodied examples.

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