Friday 29 May 2020

Midland Red S26 Leopard DHA 462K at Cannock Garage

Just like the LS18's the thirteen S26 DHA Series Leopards were only allocated to a small number of garages but as time went on many strayed beyond them. 6462 seen here wet and gleaming having just passed through the wash went to Cannock for fifteen months in 1979 before moving on again to LN, RY, and BY before it was withdrawn in 1987. However it went on to enjoy further service and lasted till 1992 working in Northern Ireland.


  1. I did (and still do!) like the Marshall bodied Leopards, they seemed to me to be the best inter-urban bus - but I much preferred them as dual purpose vehicles with coach seats.

    At the moment, though, I just wish I was allowed to travel on *any* bus, even the modern low-floor, no-leg-room things. Lockdown is getting a bit much, especially when you watch all the car drivers tazzing around as if it was just another ordinary day. With the amount of traffic on the A15 around here you'd never know we're supposed to only be going out when essential.

  2. The S26,S27 & S28 were great work horses for Midland Red and many later models had long lives with MIDLAND RED WEST with a number receiving Wyvern colours. It was a pity the bus grant allowed coaches to be used on bus routes as the C16s & onwards were horrid on the X92 & X93 it was always better in Halesowen to see a Marshall Lepoard swing in and they lived on the 335 a true classic bus.

  3. I have a soft spot for the MR Marshall bodied Leopards but must admit to have never ridden on an S26. My friends had 319 a former Worcester bus but still own 674 and 227 and which used to be at Shrewsbury so I still do quite a few miles on Leopards each summer but alas not this one. The LS18's were my favourite though so much better than an S14. Ross I totally agree with you for during strict lockdown people were going out in their cars all the time regardless and they had to be going somewhere perhaps visiting but now of course we know where! I have a buspass but haven't been on a bus since lockdown either but as the weather has been great I've been out on my push-bike everyday and no not got the poor old car out either.

  4. Out of the 100 LS18 the ones that passed to WMPTE in 1973 also had long lives really great growling buses and many ended up at non BMMO garages they dare I say it were more reliable than the S17 S21 S22 S23 that passed to the WMPTE and outlived them untill the savage PTE 1980 service cuts if I remember right.
