Monday 29 June 2020

Warstone's in Walsall: Sherpa F249 DKG

I don't know what was on my mind when I took this shot of Warstone's Green Bus Frieight Rover in Walsall but I don't think I was too eager to get the perfect view of the bus as it was hardly what made this firm so well known. No girls to catch glimpses of either, maybe I just liked the ordinaryness of the moment. The later LDV's were called Frieight Rovers but I think this was an earlier Sherpa and the registration suggests it came from the Cardiff area.


  1. Warstones? Using a breadvan?!?

    That sort of thing is why I lost interest in the industry after deregulation...

  2. Well Ross I remember people used to say how they found it difficult to understand why anyone should find anything interesting about buses which I dismissed as being stupid. But alas if someone were to say that today I would most probably be more likely to agree with them but thankfully I have my interest in photography and they still give me a focus. But that is not such a bad thing either as i take photos of anything and everything which means I have a less biased eye.
