Tuesday 31 December 2013

A Happy New Year from both of Me!

I'm not sure why I bother as were it not for the statistics I wouldn't think anyone wants to see my vast achive of transport photographs. But sadly I hardly get any comments these days which is a bit depressing. I keep it going as thankfully I also have a more interactive group of friends on Flickr and in part I just cut and paste the captions on to here. Blogger doesn't always work properly either and I started doing a search check before posting to avoid duplications but even the Google box on my page doesn't work any more. Anyway as I might just as well be invisible nobody will notice this one which provesI have a more interesting life away from buses as Jojo as these days I live much of my life as a happy well adjusted transsexual. My friends own former Midland Red Leopards JHA 227L and SOA 674S and I go with them to numerous rallies in the summer months allbeit usually as Christopher.


  1. Reading other blogs, whether about buses, football or other subjects all seem to attract aggressive posters who only wish to impose their own views by attacking other (often more knowledgeable) posters. It is refreshing to be able to read this blog without encountering any aggression or 'trolling' and to enjoy the photographs that you post. New Years resolution to self - try to post appreciative comments.

  2. Thank you for the thoughtful comment, but no I have never suffered from the attention of smart-arses, but taking your point in certain circumstances it is probably better to just be left alone. Till I changed my settings I was being bombarded with mindless spam from places like China. I had a clear out and unfortunately some interesting comments got deleted too especially from Portugal where I had a big following. I don't tend to be rude to others which might be why I don't attract the wrong sort of buddies.

  3. Christopher,
    This ex-pat (living in the USA and in my seventieth year) enjoys your blog and the many photos.
    Your comments are always entertaining and, especially where Midland Red are concerned, informative to me, as someone who was brought up in East Anglia so knew little about this amazing operator (and it's well engineered vehicles).
    Keep up the good work - it is appreciated.
    North Carolina

  4. Thanks for your message Mick, I'm glad I've brought a few more of you out of the woodwork as it's always interesting to see how others might enjoy my blog. Midland Red was fascinating but in my day there was so much more as well, so hang on and there is East Anglian buses too for you.
