Friday 9 December 2016

Derby Corporation Daimler Fleetline CRC 243J

Whereas the old olive-green and cream colours were rather pleasant I was never a big fan of Derby's drab blue and grey scheme. Still it didn't stop me photographing them which was also a reason why I stuck to black and white for so long as there was a lot I didn't care for. I know, I'm a fussy Virgo I like everything to be right lol. But the Park Royal-Roe bodies on these Daimler Fleetlines were attractive enough and certainly a lot more beautiful than the earlier generation here..


  1. As recently as 2014 I found several of this batch surviving and still at work, on sightseeing tours in Victoria, state capital of British Columbia - a long way from Derby! CRC245J was one which I photographed. Working alongside them were two of Derby's original batch of Fleetlines dating from 1965.

  2. Yes some quite mundane buses go on to have long and interesting lives and of course we get to enjoy them more in old age.
