Thursday 9 March 2017

Doris You'd Better Put Kettle On and Fill it to the Brim

It's unfortunate the way often coaches arrive at a watering hole all at the same time resulting in long queues for the loos and a hurried cup of tea or even a choice between the two. To be honest that probably didn't happen as they always seemed to stop for too long for my liking especially coming back when one just wants to get home. The mid-nineties was quite an interesting time as there were any number of redundant NBC coaches to be found like these at Oxford Services and not just that they have an air of mystery about them as 'cherished numbers' hid all sorts of sins. As well as  two Vanguard coaches, there is the Happy Days Van-Hool Scania I was on going to Bournemouth, a smart Woods Duple Laser Volvo B10M and right in the distance a Plaxton Supreme bodied Tiger of Premier Albanian either CBM 12X or 13X

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