Friday 18 May 2018

DAB Articulated Bus in Sheffield C103 HDT

Very much a feature in SYT days were the DAB Leyland articulated buses seen in Sheffield, an idea that has still to take off in Britain especially following their unpopularity in London.


  1. The anti-bendi feeling in this country amuses me, especially the repeated claims that bendis aren't suited for (or safe on) our narrow streets.

    I've travelled on bendis in Germany around on roads far narrower than those in London, as I'm sure you have too, and I think that what people are really saying is "British road users are too incompetent/impatient/stupid to alter their driving/cycling style when a bendi is on the road" - which is not exactly a glowing endorsement of the abilities of the British road users.

    [That's nicely contentious. Maybe some of the lurkers will emerge and post to tell me I'm clueless!]

  2. Ross don't hold your breath this is not Twitter or Facebook. One thing you didn't mention is people on bikes shouldn't be that bemmused and scared of bendis after all we've had articulated lorries in Britain for years.
