Thursday 17 May 2018

Enjoying An All Britain Tour: Shearings Tiger D595 MVR

I don't know where I took this photo of a new Shearings Plaxton bodied Leyland Tiger on a National Holidays UK tour but I expect it's passengers drowning their sorrows over a cup of tea didn't care either and must have wished they had stayed at home. I've a feeling it's one of those cafes that served up everything with a Yorkshire Pudding up north on the A1.


  1. I suspect the passengers haven't even had chance to drown their sorrows with a cup of tea!

    The "All British Tours" label means it's a feeder coach bringing happy, happy punters to a motorway services to join the actual holiday coaches, and my bet is they've all been offloaded into the rain and, after getting soaked, onto their coaches forwards.

    Hopefully wherever they were all going was less soggy!

  2. Thanks Ross, very cheap and not so cheerful, a far cry from the days when the old firms like Wallace Arnold, Glenton, Midland Red and Southdown etc tried to make 'coach cruises' a memorable experience. I find service areas such horrible dreary and not very restful places especially the older ones and truck-stops like the one at Lymm near Warrington.

    Nobody has left any comments for a while so I changed my 'Permissions'. I wonder have you tried at all to leave anything? Maybe it's just that people are so excited over the royal wedding and Brexit lol.

  3. It's a while since I left any comments, Christopher. I always look at and enjoy your photos but often I have nothing to say, and I suspect that's true of most of your viewers/readers.

    Given the "quality" of some of the comments on other blogs I read, you probably don't want too many comments!

  4. Ross well said, the same goes for me too and I probably say enough blogging. I know they mean well but some people only comments when one gets something wrong so I surprised I don't get more lol.
