I AM CHRISTOPHER LEACH THE ARTIST. I started this blog so that I can share with everyone my vast collection of transport photographs showing a personal and nostalgic view of the industry with images that span some 45 years taking in the U.K and some of Europe. I have no darkroom and so rather than being the perfectionist after tidying them up I upload the images warts and all, and even those that won't scan squarely or are scratched. In a way it adds age and character. You are all free to download these for your personal use but please remember I still own them and you are not just free to use them without prior permission for any knd of publishing. Click on images to enlarge them and if you want to see more leave your comments or visit my website for the mother-site with galleries including those Buses & Girls: PICTUREWORLD
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Mid 90's: Arriva buses in the snow
It doesn't seem that many years ago since Arriva Stafford operated a large number of Tigers it inherited from Midland Red North in the town plus mainly former Stevenson's Lynx's. Sadly Leylands have been gone some time now and no doubt the jerky automatic transmission and sprightly performance of buses like H408 YMA would not have been appreciated in the slippery conditions of snow where the more solid ride of the conventional mid-engined Tiger was better.
Trent's first Volvo's were a spot-on
For the newly Privatised Trent the first big gamble was making a major investment in new buses. Their choice of Alexander R bodied Volvo B10D buses must have been a good one for it is one of the few former NBC companies that have managed to stay Independent. Go-Ahead like Trent a former BET company has off-shoots beyond it's roots on Tyneside but apart from buying out Barton who shared much of it's territory this operator hasn't really changed too dramatically.
Monday, 28 December 2009
Warrington Bus Station 1998
When trying to get girls in my pictures too it has produced some fine pictures which would not have merited it on their own
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Bask in the warm Devon Sunshine
Bretonside Bus Station in Plymouth is a bit of sun-trap and if one can cope with the angle of the sun and it's brightness they can take pleasing views but sadly no longer of it's once ubiquitous Western National ECW bodied Bristol VR's and the girls.
Friday, 25 December 2009
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Now this is Winter
It takes a lot to disrupt public transport in Switzerland, but on this occasion it came close. I arrived in Davos by bus and fresh snow had fallen on sheet-ice after the previous day's thaw froze solid over night. It was so slippery I almost did the split as I alighted the bus.On the left is a Saurer RH and the other one is NAW built after it became part of Mercedes.
A bit of a squash at Rotherham
Can anyone tell us what the bus underneath might be, iIt must be an Integral to have such a strong roof?
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
30 Years Ago Today: Crosville DFG 219 in Liverpool
No it doesn't exactly seem like yesterday but more like Fifteen Years Ago. It upsets me at times but it's hardly surprising that the bus scene has changed so much since my youth. Towards the end of 1979 I got busy with my camera recording the buses from my teens before they departed from our streets for the last time. At this time in Liverpool Ribble was still running it's full-fronted MCW bodied PD3's out to Litherland and Old Roan and Crosville too had a few half-cabs like FS Lowdekka DFB 219 of 1966 heading out to Prescot on the border of St Helens.
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Switzerand: Just a little snow
Unlike Britain a couple of inches of snow doesn't affect life in Switzerland and not only do the buses and trains run to time they have time to wash them too. P25360 was delivered to Bern but found it's way to join the other seven 1989-90 Ramseier and Jenzer bodied Mercedes-Benz 0405 buses at the PTT Garage of Hausen am Albis.
Monday, 21 December 2009
A Trent National: Derby Bus Station
I had only stopped for a few moment when this official came out to nab me for illegally parking on a disabled bay in Derby Bus Station. I wondered how he saw me so quickly but as you can see CCTV was there even in the days of the National. No doubt he let me off because I was driving a Jag in those days. Trent had plenty of these National1 buses which they repowered with DAF engines, behind it is a Leyland Lynx belonging to Felix. Despite protest from the consevation lobby this 1920's bus station was demolished which was a great shame as not only was it an elegant curved Art Deco structure it was one the first purpose built structures. The council argued that it was not in the right place and it's shape was not suitable for modern buses.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
It must be Christmas in Porto
Well this nice liveried Utic Leyland built on DAB frames seen in Porto is going to Arcozelo (Santa) which I expect in English is the village of Saint Arcozelo.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
A snowy Knightrider Street Bus Station 1968
I was in Maidstone between 1967-68 and my favourite M & D double-deckers were the Farringdon bodied PD2's and a type that I've grown to really love the Park Royal bodied AEC Regent.
Friday, 18 December 2009
PTT Meiringen Garage
The rural garages of the Swiss Post tend to blend in perfectly with their surroundings. Once Meiringen in the centre of Switzerland had quite a varied fleet but by the Nineties much of it's allocation was of these NAW BH 4-23 buses, then part of the PTT but now it's work is done by a pair of local contractors (PAH).
Thomas of Barry
An unusual view of a former Bristol Omnibus Leyland National in service with Thomas of Barry seen in Cardiff in the mid-Nineties.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Lothian 666

If one is superstitious this might just be a bad bus anyway as it bore the Devil's 666 number. Another couple of reasons for it's unpopularity was that not only was it destroyed by fire but of more concern to the local economy was that after buying these it's first two trial Leyland Olympian buses horror of horrors the Scottish Capital's fleet of Lothian went to ECW in England to body a large order whereas most had logicaly presumed the bodies would be built by Walter Alexander nearby at Falkirk like the hundreds of previous Edinburgh Atlanteans. No doubt Eastern Coach Works won it as they could produce them at a lower cost or promised quicker delivery. One of those two-door buses can be seen in the background heading down Princes Street, but might I add Edinburgh's loss was our gain as in the immaculate local madder and ivory livery they were probably the most attractive examples of that type to be found in service anywhere.
Monday, 14 December 2009
A stranger rolls in to town

Sunday, 13 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Friday, 11 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
MAN: Out with the old and in with the new
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Variety in Reading

Reading Transport has always had an individualistic flavour and that continued into the Eighties and beyond with it's liking for nearby London bus types like the Titan and later Routemasters and as we can see here the products of Optare. From the Leeds based manufacturer we can see a Spectre, Delta, Metrorider plus there is a coach-seated Leyland Olympian for the London Service, a former Alder Valley Bristol VR and no less than three of Metrobuses: What more could one want in a photo! Actually I try to get shots with plenty of buses in them and unless it's a special view the maximum is usually eight.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Peacock of Dumfries

I have always been partial to AEC and Leyland coaches smartly painted in the colours of Independents. Of course they've pretty well all gone now as is the sort of small operator who took that much trouble. Peacock's Coaches of Dumfries operated this former Wallace Arnold Plaxton Supreme bodied Leopard on it's bus service routes.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Devon General 504 bound for Newton Abbot

Until 1969 Exeter City Council wouldn't allow 30ft double-deckers to operate in the city so consequently Devon General not only did not have any Leyland Atlanteans here till the final G-reg batch, services out to Torbay had to rely on short AEC Regents like this Willowbrook bodied example seen towards the end of it's working life in NBC livery.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
You're never alone with an Ikarus
Friday, 4 December 2009
Greater Manchester N: One-off No.701

This was a real Greater Manchester rarity as Volvo-NC Countrybus 701 was it's only one and was seen in Wigan where I also got spat on by lunchtime yobs departing on an Atlantean. They missed me but as a child I always though Lancashire was always such a friendly place. The trouble is yobs are everywhere.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
The start of a new day
Even the trusty Routemaster broke-down.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
North Western Atlantean AN68
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
A quick one outside The Tate

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