This Reading MCW Metrobus with a far more unusual dual-doorway Northern Counties bodied Bristol VRT following and the Courage Brewery behind that might not be too exciting but one certainly gets an fascinating view of the town's choice of buses of the Seventies plus of course the road disappearing far off in the distance. I've a feeling this was the Watneys Brewery till it was taken over. Black and white photography is the best for catching the untidy nature of our old towns with their bumpy patched up roads and crumbling uneven pavements making otherwise nice buses to ride in like No.159 of 1979 a veritable rattle-box as in a low gear it moaned and groaned it's way through the traffic.
Thanks Christopher.
The Brewery was I think called Simmond's Brewery before Courage took over. The old S remained emblazoned on the gates until the very end. The entire area was flattened and redeveloped in the late 1980s, and is hardly recognisable today.
The bus in the background is a Northern Counties bodied Bristol VR. These were the first large buses for one-man operation to be delivered to Reading and were in their early days marketed as "Jumbos".
I'm not surprised this corner was flattened as I rather liked it.
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