No it wasn't the Sixties but at the end of the Eighties as the NBC was being wound down Blackpool Coliseum Bus Station was still a pretty exciting place. Of course I didn't really think so as I was a child of the Sixties and that ended when all those glorious BET and even the equally pleasant 'Tilling' liveries disappeared in the early Seventies. But here in about 1989 many reminders in the names and look of the coaches remained, and looking back now it almost seems like that 'Golden Age' never ended. I spent some time here amongst these typical NBC Duple and Plaxton bodied coaches as I had just acquired a hand-held tape-recorder and despite the seeming tranquility of this shot vehicles were being moved around. So I caught all those delicious sounds of ticking-over and revving of Leopards low on air as slightly apprehensive drivers shunted coaches and buses out of tight spaces to get at their homeward charge egged on by and equally concerned veteren Ribble coach driver. Also of course there was that characteristic groan of Leyland brakes which sounded as though they had all worn down to their brake pads. Most of the coaches to be seen in Blackpool came from the North such as the Yorkshire Traction Leopard parked behind the odd one out another Leyland belonging to Luton and District. The YTC vehicle stands out too even from here because they fitted them with those all-white wheel trims. Probably best of all and as pleasant a sight of Blackpool as it's famous majestiv Victorian Tower was that pair of smart Ribble coaches; it's just a pity they weren't Standerwicks to make me it a perfect day.
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