I think we're near Keynsham, that's spelt K*E*Y*N*S*H*A*M. Those of you who are wondering what I'm talking about are obviously not old enough to remember Horace Bachelor and his 'Inter Draw Pools Winning Method'. But like today it was pretty horrible and wet and bears testimony to the fact that sometimes I did stop in the pouring rain waiting for a bus to come along so that I could photograph it. This one Gardner powered No.5114 was a pretty typical ECW dual-entrance Bristol VR as favoured by Bristol Omnibus operating from the biggest garage in the city, Lawrence Hill with the code LH. But as well as that it is very much a picture of it's time in the latter half of the Eighties when the likes of British Gas and as seen here British Telecom were flexing their newly privatised muscle. Very soon the newly broken up bits of the former National Bus Company would be hoovered up by the heartless Yuppy empire hunters with their prospectuses and mobile phones and removed from public ownership for simply stupid give-away prices. Indeed they really were going for a song and small groups of former local NBC Management were mortgaging their homes to buy company number one and by the time they had sold off a bit of property on prime sites they had enough lovely lolly to buy the next ruining more of the former infrastructure and so it went on.
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