I AM CHRISTOPHER LEACH THE ARTIST. I started this blog so that I can share with everyone my vast collection of transport photographs showing a personal and nostalgic view of the industry with images that span some 45 years taking in the U.K and some of Europe. I have no darkroom and so rather than being the perfectionist after tidying them up I upload the images warts and all, and even those that won't scan squarely or are scratched. In a way it adds age and character. You are all free to download these for your personal use but please remember I still own them and you are not just free to use them without prior permission for any knd of publishing. Click on images to enlarge them and if you want to see more leave your comments or visit my website for the mother-site with galleries including those Buses & Girls: PICTUREWORLD

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

For July 2: For you Carris No.2

I must have really enjoyed myself in Portugal on holiday in 1984 as not only did I seem to want to photograph all those wonderful trams and AEC half-cab buses in Lisbon even the mundane and the unexpected didn't seem to escape my foraging for images in the hot dusty streets. A juicy morsel I managed to dig up was this Renault mini-bus carrying the number 2 in the large Carris fleet. In Britain we called these van based conversions bread vans but this ugly bug was more like a meat truck or prison bus.


Anonymous said...

Special vehicle for disabled transport, as you can see on the side of the bus. ;)

Vítor Oliveira said...
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Anonymous said...

Renault-Saviem SG3 bodywork Gruau