I used to see a lot of very attractive buses in Portugal but I have to say these don't figure amongst them. However these seen in 1984 do show a good contrast as the earth-red Volvo on the left is an Aviero town bus, whilst Caetano bodied RN 2455, probably another Volvo, is working a quite long 50km trunk route to Coimbra. My favourite though is the elderly but still very smart royal-blue coloured vehicle overtaking these on the right probably going to some little village nearby but apart from that I know almost nothing.
Hi there!
The royal blue bus is in fact...an army vehicle! On the destination blind you can read "Paratroopers"!
And by the way, the Rodoviária Nacional Caetano Alpha is probably a Magirus Deutz!
Thanks for that information, I couldn't quite read the destination in the army bus. Not surprising then why it was in such good condition.
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