On service in the evening rush-hour was this elderly Volvo Coach EC-70-53 in Summer 1984 belonging to what by now is probably as long defunct operator
Many know my more recent genre Buses and Girls photography as those earlier buses I really like have all gone so now I enjoy my bus hobby more for the photography. As well as being an artist I owned a small transport business before I retired but today I have a little job too driving a minibus dong a school run to Wolverhampton in the afternoon and occasionally other jobs. It gets me out and about and satisfies my childhood ambition to drive a bus.
I'm not really sure, but this company might just have survived being "assimilated" into larger transportation conglomerates. There is a company called Auto Viação Landim that has a pink livery just like this one.
I don't think there would be two operators with that pink, but saying that we had the twenty coach pink and grey fleet of Worthington Motor Tours of Hurst Street in Birmingham which now many years later by coincidence is part of the cities 'Pink' Gay entertainment quarter
The 20 coach fleet of Worthingtons Motor Tours of Birmingham was officially "Fuschia and Oyster" or in English pink and grey and very smart they looked. Similar but not quite exactly the same were Calleloi of North Wales
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